Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

Browse by Title

Title Date Publication
J. D. Williams Dead 1918
J. P. K. Bryan Is Claimed By Death 1918
J. P. K. Bryan Is Laid To Rest 1918
Jackson Suggests Take Precautions Against Influenza 1918
Jacob E. Meeker, Congressman, Dies of Influenza 1918
Jail For A Sneeze 1918
Jan. 1919 1919
January 1, 1919 1919
January 1, 1920 1920
January 10, 1919 1919
January 10, 1919 1919
January 10, 1920 1920
January 10, 1922 1922
January 15, 1920 1920
January 16, 1919 1919
January 17, 1918 1918
January, 1917 1917
January, 1917 1917
January, 1917 1917
January 1917 1917
January, 1917 1917
January, 1917 1917
January, 1918 1918
January, 1918 1918
January, 1918 1918
January, 1918 1918
January 1918 1918
January 1918 1918
January, 1918 1918
January, 1919 1919
January, 1919 1919
January, 1919 1919
January 1919 1919
January 1919 1919
January 1919 1919
January, 1919 1919
January, 1919 1919
January, 1919 1919
January, 1919 1919
January, 1919 1919
January 1920 1920
January, 1920 1920
January 1920 1920
January 1920 1920
January 1920 1920
January 1920 1920
January, 1920 1920
January, 1920 1920
January, 1920 1920
January 1921 1921
January, 1921 1921
January 1921 1921
January, 1921 1921
January, 1921. For The Quarter Year Ending December 31, 1920 1921
January, 1922 1922
January 1922 1922
January 1922 1922
January 1922 1922
January 2, 1919 1919
January 23, 1919 1919
January 25, 1918 1918
January 29, 1920 1920
January 3, 1918 1918
January 30, 1919 1919
January 8, 1920 1920
January Death Rate Low 1919
January Deaths Less Than Half As Many As In October 1919
January - February 1919 1919
January - March, 1919 1919
Japanese Colony Aiding Red Cross 1918
Jazz Bands Open Cabarets After 2-Week Flu Lid 1918
Jersey Fumes Aggravate Grip 1918
Jesup Boys Quarantined as Precautionary Measure 1918
Jewish Charities are Fighting Influenza 1918
Jewish Homes Wanted for Epidemic Orphans 1918
Jewish Welfare Board To Resume 1918
John A. Widstoe (President, University of Utah) correspondence regarding Student Army Training Corps, October - December 1918 1918
John A. Widtsoe correspondence with Department of Public Health and Preventative Medicine, February - April 1919 1919
"John" First "Flu Baby" In Hospital 1918
Johnston Schools Are To Be Opened Again On Monday 1918
Join Hands In Fight On "Flu" 1918
Join In War On Influenza 1919
Jones Slated Health Head, Is Indicated 1918
Journal Appeal Sent $1,400 to Dr. Storey for Epidemic Work 1918
Journal Is Praised For Aid in Fight on Spanish Influenza 1918
Journal of Proceedings Board of Supervisor, City and County of San Francisco, 1918 1918
Journal of Proceedings Board of Supervisor, City and County of San Francisco, 1919 1919
Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Chicago, Illinois (1918 - 1919) [1919]
Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Seattle, January - April 1919 1919
Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Seattle, October - December 1918 1918
Journal Of The Seventy-Fifth Senate Of The State of New Jersey Being The One Hundred and Forty-third Session of the Legislature 1919
Jovians Fear Influenza Will Affect Meeting 1918
Joy Delirium Of Thousands Heeds No Ban 1918
Joy-Killing Bans Lifted in Boston 1918
Jubilation Thrills All Charleston 1918
Judge Grubb Loses Night's Sleep Refusing Phone Calls For Booze 1918
Judge Moss Has The "Flu" 1918
July 10, 1919 1919
July 10, 1919 1919
July 10, 1920 1920
July 10, 1920 1920
July 10, 1922 1922
July 11, 1918 1918
July 12, 1917 1917
July 18, 1918 1918
July 19, 1917 1917
July, 1917 1917
July, 1917 1917
July 1917 1917
July, 1917 1917
July, 1917 1917
July, 1917 1917
July, 1918 1918
July, 1918 1918
July, 1918 1918
July, 1918 1918
July, 1918 1918
July 1918 1918
July, 1918 1918
July 1918 1918
July, 1919 1919
July, 1919 1919
July, 1919 1919
July, 1919 1919
July, 1919 1919
July, 1919 1919
July 1919 1919
July 1919 1919
July, 1919 1919
July, 1920 1920
July 1920 1920
July, 1920 1920
July, 1920 1920
July 1920 1920
July 1920 1920
July 1921 1921
July, 1921 1921
July 1921 1921
July, 1921 1921
July, 1921 1921
July 1921 1921
July 1922 1922
July 26, 1917 1917
July 4, 1918 1918
July 5, 1917 1917
July - August, 1922 1922
July - September, 1918 1918
June 10, 1919 1919
June 10, 1919 1919
June 10, 1920 1920
June 10, 1920 1920
June 10, 1922 1922
June 12, 1919 1919
June 13, 1918 1918
June 14, 1917 1917
June, 1917 1917
June, 1917 1917
June 1917 1917
June, 1917 1917
June, 1917 1917
June, 1917 1917
June 1918 1918
June, 1918 1918
June, 1918 1918
June, 1918 1918
June, 1918 1918
June 1918 1918
June, 1918 1918
June, 1919 1919
June, 1919 1919
June, 1919 1919
June, 1919 1919
June, 1919 1919
June, 1919 1919
June, 1919 1919
June 1919 1919
June 1919 1919
June 1919 1919
June, 1920 1920
June, 1920 1920
June 1920 1920
June 1920 1920
June, 1920 1920
June 1921 1921
June, 1921 1921
June 1921 1921
June, 1921 1921
June 1921 1921
June 1922 1922
June, 1922 1922
June 1922 1922
June 2, 1917 1917
June 20, 1918 1918
June 21, 1917 1917
June 27, 1918 1918
June 28, 1917 1917
June 5, 1919 1919
June 6, 1918 1918
Junior College S. A. T. C. Is Free From Influenza 1918
Junior Red Cross Will Aid Those Made Orphans by Grip 1918
Juror Influenza Victim; Others Sent To Doctors 1918
Jurors Vote To Hold Court Despite Epidemic 1918
Jury to pass on masks and lid in fighting "flu" 1918
Just 23 Cases Of Influenza Reported Today 1918
Just 300 Influenza Cases in Atlanta; Optimism Prevails 1918
Just Having The Flu 1919
Just Three Days For City Schools 1918

Original content created by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine.
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